- Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.
- The soul that is within me no man can degrade.
- A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.
- Perhaps I am stronger than I think.
- Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.
- Every burden is a blessing.
- No one saves us but ourselves.
- No one can and no one may.
- We ourselves must walk the path.
- Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
- Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
- Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.
- Silence is a source of great strength.
- Your intelligence is my common sense.
- I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not.
- It's not an ATTITUDE it's the way i am...
- Respect is for those who deserve it. not for those who demand it.
- Before you judge me - Make sure that you're Perfect.
- Don't be the same, be Better!
- Turn your problem into Profit.
- The goal is to live forever. The Goal is to create something.
See also Lonely status for whatsapp
- I loved a girl and she broke my heart. Now every piece of my heart love different girls. People called it flirt that's not fair…
- Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine.
- Me and my wife live happily for 25 years and then we met…
- Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you.
- When I'm good I'm best , when I'm bad I'm worst.
- If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, It only means that you are ‘Above them’.
- Please don’t get confused between my personality & my attitude.
- My personality is who I am & my attitude depends on who you are!
- I'm Not Special , I'm Just Limited Edition.
- Everything that kills me makes me feel alive.
- I’m cool but global warming made me hot.
- I'm not changed it’s just I grew up and you should try too.
- I never insult people I only tell them what they are.
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