A. Celsius. Centrigrade scale
A.L. and J.L. Lumiere. Cenema
A.L. Breguet. Watch
A.Parker. Celluloid
Adolph Rickenbacker. Electric guitar
Alessandro Volta. Electric Battery
Alexander Fleming. Penicillin
Alexanderson. Radio transmitter
Alfred B. Nobel. Dynamite
Alfred Binet. I.Q. Test
Alfred Kinsey. Human Sexuality
Alfred Wegener. Continental Drift
American Viscose Co. Rayon
Amundson (1912). South Pole
Anderson. Positive Electrons
Andreas Vesalius. New Anatomy
Andre-Marie Ampere. Galvanometer
Antoine Joseph Sax. Saxophone
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. Revolution in Chemistry
Archimedes. Specific Gravity
Archimedes. Principle for lever (S.P.Gravity)
Archimedies. Archimedean Screw
Arthur Eddington. Modern Astronomy
August Kekule. Chemical Structure
Avogadro. Avogadro’s Hypothesis
B. F. Goodrich. Zipper
B. F. Skinner. Behaviorism
Baird. Television
Bardeen, Shockley, Brattain. Transistor
Benjamin Franklin. Bifocal Lens
Benjamin Franklin. Lightning Conductor
Bessemer. Steel Melting Process
Binet. Intelligence test
Blaise pascal. Mechanical calculator
Bohr. Electron Theory
Bohr and Rutherford. Atomic Structure
Boyle. Boyle’s law
Braille. Printing for the Blind
Braun, Dr.Wernher Von. Space flying
Broquett. Helicopter
Bunsen. Spectroscope
C. F. Brush. Arc Lamp
C. Hugyens. Clock (pendulum)
C. Sholes. Typewriter
C.V.Raman. Crystal Dynamics
C.V.Raman. Raman effect
Carl Gauss (Karl Friedrich Gauss). Mathematical Genius
Carl Linnaeus. Binomial Nomenclature
Carlton Mcgee. Parking meter
Carothers. Nylon Plastic
Cartwright. Powerloom
Casimir Funk. Vitamin B1
Cavandish. Rare Gas
Cavendish. Hydrogen
Chadwick. Neutron
Chandrasekhar. Mathematical Astro Physics
Charles Babbage. Computer
Charles Babbage Difference engine
Charles Darwin. Evolution
Charles Darwin. Evolution (theory)
Charles Darwin. Origin of Species
Charles Goodyear. rubber (vulcanized)
Charles Goodyear. Vulcanised Rubber
Charles Lyell. Modern Geology
Charles Macintosh. Raincoat
Charles Macintosh. Rubber (waterproof)
Charles Macintosh. Waterproof Rubber
Charles Sherrington. Neurophysiology
Chester Carlson. xerox machine.
Christiaan Huygens. Wave Theory of Light
Christiaan Huygens. Wave Theory of Light
Christian Barnard. Replacing human heart
Christopher Cockerell. Hovercraft
Claude Bernard. Founding of Modern Physiology
Claude Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology
Col. J. Schick. Razor (electric)
Columbus (1492). West Indies
Conrad Elvehjem. Vitamin Niacin
Copernicus (1540). Solar System
Coulomb. Fundamental Laws of Electric Attraction
D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick. Vitamin B2
Daimler. Automobile
Dalton. Atomic Theory
Dalton. Laws of Multiple Proportion
Darwin. Laws of Natural Selections
Darwin. Theory of Evolution
Dauguerre. Photograph
David Brewster. Kaleidoscope
David Bushnell. Submarine
Dewar. Liquid Oxygen
Dewar. Thermos Flasks
Dmitri Mendeleev. Periodic Table of Elements
Domagk. Sulpha Drugs
Dr. A.H. Taylor andL.C. Young. Radar
Dr. Alan M. Turing. Electronic Computer
Dr. Lee de Forest. Film (with sound)
Dr. Richard Gatling. Machine Gun
Dr. Wallace H. Carothers. Nylon
Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec. -Stethoscope
Dr.Hargobiad Khorana. Deciphering the genetic code
Dr.Paul Muller. D.D.T.
Dr.Philip Drinker. Drinker’s Chamber of Iron Lung
Dr.Sigmund Freud. Psycho-analysis
E.G. Otis. Lift
Edison. Incandescent Bulb
Edison. Phonograph
Edmund Cartwright. Power Loom
Edward Jenner. Vaccination
Edward Mellanby. Vitamin D
Edward O. Wilson. Sociobiology
Edward Teller. Bomb
Edwin Hubble. Modern Telescope
Eijkman. Beri - Beri
Einstein. Theory of Relativity
Elisha G. Otis. Elevator
Elmer V. McCollum. Vitamin B
Elmer V. McCollum and M. Davis. Vitamin A
Emil Fischer. Organic Chemistry
Enrico Fermi. Atomic Physics
Ernest Rutherford. Structure of the Atom
Ernst Haeckel. Biogenetic Principle
Ernst Mayr. Evolutionary Theory
Erwin Schrodinger. Wave Mechanics
Euclid. Foundations of Mathematics
Euclid. Geometry
Evangelista Torricelli. Barometer
F.Banting. Insulin
Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit Scale
Fahrenheit. Mercury Thermometer
Faraday. Electricity
Faraday. Induction of Electric Current
Faraday. Law of Electrolysis
Francis Crick. Molecular Biology
Francis Galton. Eugenics
Frank Whittle. Jet Propulsion
Franz Boas. Modern Anthropology
Frederick Sanger. Genetic Code
Friese-Greene. Cine camera
Fulton. Steam boat
G. Bradshaw. Scooter
G. Claude. Neon-lamp
G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin. Airship (rigid)
G. Marconi. Radio
Galileo. Telescope
Galileo Galilei. New Science
Galileo Gallei. Thermometer
Gauss. Electric Measurement
Gay Lussac. Law of gases
George Eastman. Camera
George Gaylord Simpson. Tempo of Evolution
George Westinghouse. Air Brake
Gertrude Belle Elion. Pharmacology
Gottlieb Daimler. Carburetor
Gottlieb Daimler. Carburettor
Gregor Mendel. Laws of Inheritance
Gregory Mandel. Laws of Heredity
Gustav Kirchhoff. Spectroscopy
H. W. Seeley. Electric Flat Iron
H.C.Urey. Deuterium (Heavy Water)
H.W. Seeley. Electric iron
Hadley. Sextant
Hahnemann. Homoeopathy
Hans Bethe. Energy of the Sun
Hans Selye. Stress Concept
Harry Brearley. Stainless Steel
Harvey. Blood Circulation
Heike Kamerlingh. Superconductivity
Heitz. Electrical Waves
Henry Becquerel. Radio-activity of Uranium
Henry Bessemer. Steel production
Henry Great Head. Life Boat
Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop. Vitamin E
Hermann Fottinger. Automatic gearbox
Hermann von Helmholtz. Rise of German Science
Herschel William. Uranus (Planet)
Hideki Yakawa. Meson
Hippalus. Scientific astronomy
Hoffman. Aniline Dyes
Hopkins and Funk. Vitamins
Hsing and Ling-Tsan. Clock (mechanical)
Isaac Newton. Newtonian Revolution
J. Froelich. Tractor
J. Whinfield and H. Dickson. Terylene
J.B. Dunlop. Bicycle Tyre
J.C. Perier. Ship (steam)
J.C.Bose. Crescograph
J.E. Lurdstrom. Match (safety)
J.J.Thomson. Electrons
Jacob Schick. Electric razor
Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier. Balloon
James Clerk Maxwell. Electromagnetic Field
James Hargreaves. MSpinning jenny
James Harrison andYoung Simpson. Chloroform
James Harrison, Alexander Catlin. Refrigerator
James Lind. Vitamin C
James Watson. Structure of DNA
James Watt. Steam Engine
James Watt. Steam engine (condenser)
Jean Baptiste Lamarck. Foundations of Biology
Jean Piaget. Child Development
Johann Phillip Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, Amos E. Dolbear, and Thomas Edison. Microphone
Johann Vaaler. Paper clip
Johannes Gutenberg. Printing Press
Johannes Kepler. Motion of the Planets
John Boyd Dunlop. Pneumatic Tyres
John Dalton. Theory of the Atom
John Harrison. Chronometer
John J. Loud. Ball-Point Pen
John Logie Baird. Television (mechanical)
John Napier. Logarithmic Tables
John Napier. Logarithms
John von Neumann. Modern Computer
Joseph Aspdin. Cement
Joseph J. Thomson. Electron
Joule, James Prescoft. Measurement of Electrical Energ
Richard G. Drew. Adhesive tape
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